Friday, 22 August 2008


International Institute of Tropical Forestry

Publication Information

Title: Birds of the Tapajos National Forest, Brazilian Amazon: a preliminary assessment.

Author: Henríques, L. M. P.; Wunderle Jr., J.M., and Willig, M. R.

Date: 2003

Source: Ornitología Neotropical. ; 14:307-338.

Description: This study describes the avifauna of the Tapajos National forest, an area on the east bank of the Tapajos River where controlled resource exploitation occurs. Here we provide a near complete species list for terra firme forest with an incomplete list of species from less comprehensively surveyed habitats such as "varzea" forest.

Key Words: Neotropical birds, terra firme forest, amazonia, Tapajos National Forest, Brazil, Mist net, bird communities.

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Henríques, L. M. P.; Wunderle Jr., J.M., and Willig, M. R. 2003. Birds of the Tapajos National Forest, Brazilian Amazon: a preliminary assessment. Ornitología Neotropical. ; 14:307-338..

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